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I'm Trying...

I'm working on changing too many things in my world right now. It's driving be a bit crazy...ok - completely crazy!

I am working on 3 different major elements at the same time... I am co-creator and teacher for a new Tech Club which we hope to get up and running in 2 weeks. I am working on an application for Grad. school which is due next week. I am rewriting my entire SS curriculum for the rest of the year.


That was my husband shaking his head and wondering out loud...

To that I answer...because I can.

I love new things. That is one of the most appealing parts of teaching. I love to create new ways of presenting the same old facts. New techniques for reaching my students. New approaches to the same old problem. I love that.

But, I have all these ideas and I need someone else to help me carry them out. Or, I need a deadline to force me to carry them out. Or I need a moment to plan how to carry them out. See a theme here?

Really, it's not that big a deal until I line them all up at the same time and realize that there is a reason I feel a little crazy!

So, I create my lists. I steal moments at night. And I ignore the problems and write. Each of these helps my sanity a little bit. And then I tackle the issue.

I usually realize that the anticipating the creating is so much harder than the actual project. I often have much of the unit or process in my head before I ever put my hands on a keyboard.

So, I can check things off my list. And add new ones in it's place.

That' what teaching is for me. I am a work in progress just like my kids learning is. I love to learn along with them! Maybe that 's really the secret!

Anywal, it's time to tackle my list!!