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Our First Workshop presentation

It happened this week. I and my techie cohort presented or first presentation at a state level conference.
This was a very big deal for us! We wanted things to go smoothly - and they really did...

But - we had the second to the last workshop spot on the last day. Our room was down a hallway - away from the main room. And the crowd wasn't all that large.

But, that didn't really matter. We did it! We shared what we knew and there was a group of people who seemed to want to learn from us. That is something....

Now, it's almost a week later and life hasn't changed at all for us.

That's not entirely true. I had an ah ha moment....

I've been involved with the background tech stuff at my school for almost 10 years. In that time I've worked hard to keep myself on top of some of the trends and software changes. I've spent many hours working on the machines and the tools in our building, ordering, repairing and maintaining. Now, we are making changes. That behind the scenes work is going to someone else. I've thought a lot about what that means for me. And most of my thoughts have not been very positive. I've liked being in the middle of the changes in our world. I've liked knowing what is going on and sharing the information with others. I've liked being stressed because it all felt exciting and important. Now, that I"m not involved I was a bit sad. It was hard to give all that up....

But - I'm learning.I thought it was tech that was helping me keep my sanity in the changing face of my classroom and the high stakes testing wasn't. What helped me keep my sanity was being involved in a project that was bigger than myself. It was helping my building move into a new place that made me excited. It just happened to be tech.

And I thought I would need to give that up. I'm now understanding what it means to have much more time. Now, I can actually help teachers use the tools we have and dream about the next step instead of worrying about keeping them all running. I can happily give that over to our tech director.

It may seem like a small change - but it's huge! I get to choose! I don't have to be tied to the computer lab on Saturdays like I used to be. Now I can surf the web and find out how to use Goolge Earth or some other app and use that in my own room with my kiddos.

I am learning to give up my ownership. It doesn't depend on me. I am only a tool.

Now, what does that have to do with our presentation? Well, I realized that I do have something to share. I hope to keep sharing that with others. I think that I do a good job of that.

So as my cohort and I look at the next step.... we wonder.