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Days and Nights

This is one of those weeks that make you wonder.

Our report cards went home on Monday. That in itself isn't anything too much to wonder about... but they were moved to the computer for the first time. It's a great move - it's time for the change. But change does not come easy to those of us living in the elementary.

Added to that change we have parent teacher conferences. Now, these in and of themselves are no big deal. It's a great opportunity for parents and teachers to get together and chat. By 4th grade there are very few things that parent's have not already heard. So, if you have troubling things to share - it isn't new. If you have great things to share - that isn't new either.

Knowing all of this - why are so many teachers hanging by the edge of their teeth this week. I spoke to three different people today who said at some point during this week they were fighting the urge to huddle in a corner and cry their eyes out. These are seasoned teachers, of varying ages and family structures.

What is it about this week that reduces us to tears and sniffles?

I wish I knew.

I have tried to prepare for this week. I've made my lists, compiled my notes. But, that doesn't seem to matter. It's not the actual conferernce or the report cards that makes the days difficult.

Instead, I think it's that everything else in a teacher's already full life must continue on at the very same time. There are no pauses, no breaks, no down time.

I walked into school on Monday an emotional wreck. But, as a teacher, there is nothing I can do about that. I can't decide that I will hole up in my office and catch up on alone work... or schedule a comp day for all the extra hours of time I've dedicated to report card preparation.

Both of these are luxuries that teacher's don't have. Our students are there no matter what. And, vacation days are none existent in a teacher's life. There is no such thing as a comp day for all the time that report cards take. We are expected to use our after school and our home hours for things like that. There is a comp day for the actual conferences. That is a plus.. But we teach up until 3:30 and parents can start coming at 4:00 for their conferences.

I can spend lots of time complaining... does it change?


So, what can I do to change the situation for me? How can I reshape my life to keep from melting down?

That is one of the perpetual questions of life as a teacher.
I love my job, I love almost every part of it.

Each day is a series of questions. What can I do to improve the learning of my students? How can those changes be made by me? How can I help? And how can I actually carry through?

So - where does that leave me?

It leaves me happy that day one is past and report cards are handed out and my sanity is slowly returning!!!

And to that I say - good night.