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Substitute Teachers

I truly believe there is a special place in heaven for subs! What a job - you never quite have your own way of things -always picking up where someone else left off. Never seeing the completion of a thing. Yet, we have incredible people subbing in our building.

Today was one of those days when every place you looked there was a sub. One was teaching on the other side of the curtain - the other 4th grade class. She was a retired Jr. High science teacher. Goodness junior high teaching and now this. I'm not sure which would be more impossible.

But, she was so excited. They were studying owl pellets. The nasty, hairy bits that owls regurgitate after eating an animal. These hairballs are filled with skeletons of the little critters they devour. She said in all her years of teaching she had never used owl pellets -and couldn't wait to help the 4th graders with these.

You know sometimes you just have to stand amazed at the way God puts things together. I can think of several subs that wouldn't have had quite the same reaction! :)

Anyway - I'm so thankful for those kind souls who want to step into my room and share my world for a day. I rest much easier knowing that my kids are in capable and encourging hands!

Thank you to all subs out there!!!