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Wiki wonderings

I spent a bunch of time on the internet tonight learning more about podcasts. It's one of those things that the more you learn the more you realize you need to learn.

I started by listening to a podcast called Seedlings. It was about several conferences out and about. One that especially intrigued me was the K-12 Online Conference.

So, after I was finished with my walk and had heard the whole podcast I decided to check out the conference.
It is so cool! The moderators all have wiki's set up with notes from the confernce.

As I started listening to Bob Sprangle's presentation it connected me to podcast sites that connected me to something else and something else. And the next thing you know I've set up a wiki to try to get the Swantz's together to make a Christmas list. If this family of low tech usage can make sense of the wiki directions - I feel pretty pleased.

That's how the web works for me. I sat down here 2 hours ago and the time just flies. One of the people on the Seedlings podcast was talking about differing reactions to tech conferences. One listener walks away feeling drained and depressed because of all they don't know and the next walks away invigorated and excited because of all they don't know.

That's exactly how I feel. Each time I dip my toes into Web 2.0 I get chills as I imagine how this could transform education.

My personal problem is moving beyond the imagining and into the practical. I'm great at planning and dreaming - it's the nitty gritty that I struggle with.

So - that's my next step.

If my family can use a wiki - I think maybe my 4th graders can as well.

Now to find a blog site that doesn't contain the next blog button! :) I think that will be important for my 4th graders. I've discovered some places that I don't think they need to discover yet! :)