Yesterday there was a very excited young man in my classroom. The first words out of his mouth were, "Mrs. S I'm going to A's for a sleepover tonight." In fact, I wasn't even in my classroom, he caught me in the hall to share his excitement.
I have to admit that's one of the reasons I'm in an elementary room. To see that much excitement for a simple evening out is so worth it.
Now - it's not always that way. The day before this same young man had told the classroom associate she was like the Grim Reaper to him....hmmmm.
But, that level of emotion - the highs and the lows - that's what makes childhood so much fun. The closer I can stay to that the better I feel about life. There are so many times when we get bogged down and flattened out. We (as adults) forget to cheer for an open parking space or a short line at the grocery store.
So, I hope the sleep over was a complete success. The smile on his face made it a success for me before it even started!!
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